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Welcome to the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 39
The Office and Professional Employees International Union are office, technical and professional employees working together to improve our jobs and the lives of our families. OPEIU is the first, and largest, labor union in the United States and Canada dedicated to professional, technical and office workers. Local 39's organization begins with its members. We are a fighting, democratic union in Wisconsin and Illinois. We represent office/professional workers in credit union services, non-profits, tech, public services, utilities, universities, insurance, and much more. If you are looking to organize your workplace, organize with us!

Latest News
March 2020 2 March 2020

March 2020

Last week the World Health Organization officially classified the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services and local County Health agencies keep reporting increases in the number of individuals testing positive for the disease. 
February 2020 24 February 2020

February 2020

There’s a phrase I used to hear fairly often. “I vote for the person, not the party.” I usually heard it whenever someone needed to avoid a conversation moving too uncomfortably close to politics. I don’t hear that much anymore. Perhaps our politics have become so polarized the personal qualities of a candidate no longer seem to matter. Or maybe it’s because over time our local has taken a less active role engaging members on policy issues that impact our union and our working lives
January 2020 27 January 2020

January 2020

An end of the year fundraising appeal from The Century Foundation* displays a spread of magazine covers featuring a wish list of future headlines the organization would one day like to see. Those headlines include “One-third of the workers in the United States are Union members” and “Wealth and Wage Gap Closed.”

Members of OPEIU Local 39 would probably like to see those same headlines too, someday. I mean, there’s a clear correlation between the decline in union membership and earning power for most Americans, and the dramatic increase in wage disparity that is having a devastating effect on people in local communities.